Taking the plunge

“You aren’t gonna blog about that, are you?”

Nuh-uh. Nooooo…”

But … I changed my mind because we found some hidden treasure today. Brian’s  2nd day of staycation turned into a day-long debate between motivation and the temptation to torch it all.

The piles in our garage this morning were taller than me. They were completely intimidating. It was like walking in a miniature cityscape.

And…12 hours later, it looks pretty much … the same … but below knee level. And the floor is swept. The empty Christmas totes and boxes – went back up in the loft (which means all Christmas decor is being left in its place for a while yet! Woohoo!) The neighbors drove, turned and walked slowwwwwly by today as they saw us empty the contents of our garage into what we thought were organized stations. Just like they taught us on the organizing show. You know the one where they do an intervention? Yeah. That’s what we tried to Self-Helpify ourselves with today.

I think we did alright. It’s amazing the things you find in the garage.

Well, not yours, I’m sure, but ours. We were amazed.

Here is Brian finding something unbelievable in a box 2′ square full of receipts and papers. It was my Social Security Card.


Don’t worry, I have the replacement elsewhere.

This is a box of tapes & mixed tapes I’ve been holding onto for some reason;


Some Springsteen, some worship … and that Celestial Seasonings Tea tin over there with the sunshine on it … Que Es Eso?


Ahh, yes of course. Betty Crocker catalog points from the mid-1990’s. A whole little tea tin of them. Nice.

Oh, but there’s more; a barf bag from Delta Airlines, unopened mail from the year 2000, socks mixed with art supplies, shaving cream and paperwork. Quite the combination.

This is the kind of *&#^ $%*# we’ve been dealing with all day today. All day. I am exhuasted, and kicking up all that dust has sent my sinuses spiraling into a frenzy.

This is a floppy disc. [10 cool points if you remember using them when they were the largest form of portable storage for your computer.] Know what’s on this disc? It’s not February Golf News or whatever. It’s the backup of the SLIDESHOW from our WEDDING. It was beautiful. Truly. And it is now – in the GARBAGE, headed to the city dump.


The man says there is no way to read it. ::sigh:: So there ya have it.

Our daughter, obsessed with dogs the past few days, babied the neighbors pet this afternoon, wrapping her in a blanket and putting her in the doll baby carrier. I hate to disappoint her, but I don’t think she’s getting either. A dog, or a sibling. We’ll tackle that talk another day when my sinuses have cleared.


About 6 hours into our garage intervention, I noticed a great big perfect looking branch in the yard and claimed it as my own. It must be at least 5 feet tall and almost as many feet wide. Brian was full of protesting as I found a place for it in the garage. “Take a picture why don’t cha?” So he did.


So, my project list for 2009 has its first item, and it is waiting for me in the garage … great motivation to get the rest finished up. Brian thought by tonight, but that did not happen. We are absolutely exhausted. And ready to pitch the rest.

~ by hthr on December 30, 2008.

3 Responses to “Taking the plunge”

  1. Amy Grant’s Heart in Motion is the very first CD I ever owned. I always tell people it was Hotel California, so if you say anything about this I’ll deny it.

  2. Ok so did he find the ball shirt and hat somewhere in a box or did he dress in them just for the occassion of cleaning out. Ha! I think our garage beats yours…you can get through ours from the door to the washer and dryer if you turn just right.

  3. @CT, my lips are sealed, however if its any consolation, I think that album was a big xfer into “pop” at the time?

    @Robin, are you kidding? That’s one of my fav tees! He wore it because he knew I was bound to get both mad & overwhelmed working out there and at least I could look at him and smile. 😀

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